DGX Gears Wing Replacement Parts

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Check the Logo Before November 2024 Before November 2024 Before November 2024 Before November 2024 Before November 2024
  • Current version (SKU # DX-202010) started shipping in November of 2024
  • Previous version (SKU # DX-202030) shipped between March 2019 and November 2024

DGX Gears Wing Replacement Parts

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These are replacement parts for the DGX Gears Wing. Note the threads on the bladder flange have changed and the two different versions use different gasket, elbow, collar nut, and pull-dump fittings.

Parts are sold with special terms of: NO warranty, NO return, and NO support. Your complete satisfaction is our goal, so please consider carefully before ordering parts.

These are inflation and dump component replacement parts for the DGX Gears Wing. The threads on the bladder flange have changed and the two different versions use different gasket, elbow, collar nut and pull-dump fittings. A complete inflation assembly consists of an elbow, collar nut, corrugated hose, and oral/power inflator that is completely assembled and ready to install. However, the complete inflation assembly does NOT include the separate bladder flange gasket or the pull-dump.

The current "DGX Gears S1 Singles Wing" version (SKU # DX-202010) started shipping in November of 2024. The previous "DGX Gears S1 Singles Wing" version (SKU # DX-202030) shipped between March 2019 and November 2024. The "DGX Gears D1 Doubles Wing" (SKU # DX-202055) were sold in very limited quantity between July 2019 and December 2021 using the same parts as the S1 at that time.

The two S1 wing versions are indistinguishable from each other except for some subtle differences as a result of updates that occurred in our supply chain. The most significant differences are the latest S1 version uses a courser threading on the bladder flanges that is easier to assemble with the fittings due to less chance of cross threading and the K-style oral/power inflator is better cosmetic quality. We also made it easy to visually identify the two different S1 wing versions by examining the small DGX Gears logo that is embroidered on the upper front of the wing. See the picture above that shows the two different embroidery patterns of the logo. If you are uncertain, you can contact us and our sales records will document which wing version you were shipped.

The original generic "Single Tank Wing" (SKU # DX-202025) was OEM by Dive Rite for Dive Gear Express that shipped prior to March 2019 and is essentially an unbranded Dive Rite wing that has no logo. The inflation and dump components on that air cell are compatible with the current Dive Rite replacement parts.

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Brand DGX Gears

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Availability of sub-assemblies and components, repair parts, specialized tools and maintenance manuals does not imply qualification to assemble and/or service scuba equipment.

Most authorized dealers are able to perform warranty, repair and service work on your equipment. Service by other than an authorized dealer may void the warranty. Improper service of dive equipment can lead to serious injury or death.

Dive Gear Express recommends that divers participating in more advanced technical and exploration type diving be trained in equipment service. We recommend that non-qualified individuals seek professional training/mentoring before attempting repairs or servicing on any diving equipment.

BCD Bladder Repairs

The most common type of failure in bladders is a puncture, but we have specific reasons why we don't recommend these be patched. Most punctures are of a 'longitudinal' nature caused by a pinch, and longitudinal cuts in the material of the bladder are very difficult to repair with a patch. The pressure stress of a fully inflated bladder may cause a longitudinal puncture to gradually extend, eventually out from under a patch, and the bladder will again leak. Another issue is commonly available adhesives do not bond well to the surface of the modern bladder materials resulting in patches that do not hold.

Aging bladders often first begin to leak around the elbow or OPV attachment flanges or ultrasonic welds at seams. What has actually happened is the material of the bladder has begun to lose its elasticity as a result of age and/or exposure to UV & Ozone. While the flange could be replaced or the leak patched, similar age related bladder failures are certain to follow.

We don't sell replacement bladders and there is a good reason. Manufacturers frequently make changes to the bladders in wings, and there is no way to be sure that new bladders will be compatible with the existing fabric shell or molded fittings. (This is the circumstance even for our own DGX Gears brand wings.) We recommend that you contact the service department for the manufacturer of your wing and arrange to return the wing to them for repair.

We do not recommend 'do-it-yourself' repairs to bladders because they are life support equipment, a BC failure can have serious consequences. Statistics from DAN suggest that a failure of buoyancy control can be one of the most life threatening types of dive accidents. For this reason, we caution against DIY bladder repairs.